All Questions and Answers about Premature Ejaculation

All Questions and Answers about Premature Ejaculation

Written by: Andrés Suro



Time to read 4 min

As a sexologist, specially trained in couples counseling and with extensive experience in the field of male sexuality, I have devoted years to understanding and addressing the challenges associated with premature ejaculation . Throughout my professional experience, I have encountered numerous questions related to typical concerns about premature ejaculation.

Some of these questions are based on myths , while others are more closely related to real fears. I have developed effective strategies and personalized solutions to assist those seeking answers to enhance their sexual health comprehensively. But can you distinguish myths from reality? Stay until the end to dispel doubts and learn how to control premature ejaculation!

Myths about Premature Ejaculation

Whenever one delves into the internet, they must confront an almost infinite amount of information. Unfortunately, for many users, distinguishing useful and real information from false is particularly challenging. Therefore, the first thing I will debunk in this article is the main myths I have come across while navigating the web.

1. Premature Ejaculation is Permanent

A common concern is whether premature ejaculation is a permanent condition . In most cases, premature ejaculation is treatable and reversible

With the right approach, which may include lifestyle changes, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and natural treatments, it is possible to significantly improve the  ability to control ejaculation.

However, the belief that it is a permanent condition can cause additional anxiety , making it crucial to address this feeling and establish a structured solution for long-term sexual well-being.

2. Can a Man with Premature Ejaculation Have Children?

Many people believe that premature ejaculation entails other problems related to sexuality, especially concerns about fertility and achieving pregnancy

The truth is that premature ejaculation does not affect fertility as long as ejaculation occurs inside the vagina. 

Understanding this complex and delicate issue, I recommend clarifying all doubts regarding conception with premature ejaculation in our article: Looking for Pregnancy with Premature Ejaculation? We Have the Ultimate Key .

3. Are Premature Ejaculation and Loss of Erection Related?

They are not scientifically related, although  the insecurity of experiencing premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse can lead to the loss of erection.

Similar to the concern we’ve debunked about whether premature ejaculation is permanent, the fear of sudden loss of erection is mainly associated with anxiety felt during the intimate moment with a partner. However, this does not mean that both situations cannot occur simultaneously. 

Therefore, if you have doubts about your genital health, it is best to consult a urologist who can perform the appropriate tests.

Common Concerns About Premature Ejaculation

Some of the most frequent questions I’ve received about premature ejaculation, both in consultations and through social media, revolve around sexual performance, the perception of sexual partners, and when and how premature ejaculation can be detected .

1. What is the normal duration of sexual intercourse?

One of the most common questions I face as a sexologist is about the “normal” duration of sexual intercourse . The first thing we need to understand is that the perception of the ideal duration varies widely among individuals and couples. There is no universal standard, but mutual satisfaction is essential to consider.

“So when is it considered premature ejaculation?”

Premature ejaculation is defined by the rapid release of semen, often earlier than desired. However, it is generally considered premature ejaculation if you ejaculate within less than 3 minutes regularly from the start of your sexual encounters, or if the lack of ejaculatory control is not something you’ve always had but now occurs frequently or almost always. Nevertheless, duration is not the sole measure of a fulfilling sexual experience.

2. What do women think of men with premature ejaculation?

Concerns about how men with premature ejaculation are perceived by their partners are understandable. On this matter, we need to work with a fundamental concept: empathy . Women vary in their responses, but many value sincerity and the willingness to address the situation.

The truth is that mutual understanding and the search for solutions as a couple often strengthen the emotional connection. The phrase I repeat most during my consultations is:

"Premature ejaculation does not define an individual's worth or the quality of a relationship."

3. How to know if a man suffers from premature ejaculation?

Identifying premature ejaculation can be complicated since the perception of time can vary. However, if a man consistently experiences a rapid release of semen earlier than desired, and this negatively affects his emotional well-being or that of his partner, he may be dealing with premature ejaculation.

Discomfort, frustration, and anxiety associated with this condition can be additional signs . In any case, I offer this simple online test designed by male sexuality experts to determine if you have premature ejaculation.

4. At what age can premature ejaculation appear?

It can appear at any age , both in the young and the elderly, although it is more common among the youth due to habits and learning in the way of self-stimulation or during relationships. Middle-aged or older men can also experience acquired or secondary premature ejaculation.

How to Solve Premature Ejaculation

The section you’ve all been waiting for… How to treat premature ejaculation and learn to have better control.

How to Control Premature Ejaculation: A Natural Treatment

Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual condition . That’s why there are numerous approaches to address this issue: from lifestyle changes to specific techniques. The first step should always be to explore options that not only aim to alleviate symptoms but also address the specific underlying causes for each individual.

Therefore, controlling premature ejaculation involves addressing both physical and psychological aspects . From mindfulness practices to specific exercises, there are techniques that can enhance control and improve the sexual experience. The best way to explore all the solutions and learn which one suits you best is through this free guide on premature ejaculation.

I Ejaculate Too Quickly, Where Do I Turn, and Who Treats Premature Ejaculation?

When dealing with premature ejaculation, it is important to consult with a medical specialist, sexologist, or psychologist who can identify its causes. As a sexologist committed to male sexual well-being, my goal is to provide clear answers and effective solutions for those facing challenges related to premature ejaculation.

Andrés Suro

Author: Andrés Suro  (Sexual Coach at MYHIXEL)

Psychologist specialized in the social area and expert in sexology applied to education.