The principles governing security in the information systems of NEW WELLNESS CONCEPT S.L. are the following:
- Respect and compliance with current legislation
- Risk management. Which implies the prior analysis, the implementation of measures in order to eliminate or, where appropriate, minimize, as well as the permanent review in order to actively keep said management updated.
- Guarantee of confidentiality in the information, so that only the people who must make use of the personal data will be authorized and enabled to make use of these
- Guarantee of integrity, so that the data is accurate, precise and the minimum necessary
- Guarantee of availability, through the implementation of the corresponding contingency plan
- Proportionality of the measures in order to adequately balance security, risk and the normal functioning of the organization
- Update and improvement. Through the temporary planning of the periodic reviews of the operation of the system for its adaptation to the technologies and prevention of new risks. As well as the implementation of the improvements defined from any incident that may have occurred
- The responsibility of all the people who have access to the information and the necessary training in order to efficiently and effectively comply with all the existing policies in the company.
NEW WELLNESS CONCEPT S.L. it implements the security measures in order to avoid any incident, although it must be taken into account that the absolute guarantee of security does not exist.
The user can and should take certain self-protection measures that will help to make this site a safer place. Among other:
- Use strong and secure passwords
- Avoid giving your username and password to third parties
- Keep your equipment (computers, mobiles, tablets, etc.…) updated with the latest version of the software
- Review the software configuration options in order to prevent it from providing your browsing data, username, password, etc.
- Access this website by directly typing the address, or from known hyperlinks and guarantees
- Not to facilitate, under any circumstances, any request to provide your personal or access data (username or password) by email or by phone
- Make the authorities aware of any abnormal incident that you may have been subject to, as well as periodically consult the information provided through INCIBE and in particular the Office for Internet User Safety
Date updated: October 24, 2021
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