A happy couple embracing, symbolizing intimacy and connection.

Can you learn to last longer in bed? Science says yes...

Written by: Andrés Suro



Time to read 6 min

As a psychologist and sexologist with years of experience in men's intimate health, the question I've been asked the most is: can you learn to last longer in bed? The answer is a clear yes. And it's backed by science. So, if you've ever worried about the duration of your sexual performance, you're not alone (or lost). Many men go through this dilemma, but the truth is that there are many factors that influence the duration of the sexual encounter and, fortunately, many of them can be modified.

Despite popular belief, the duration of sex depends not only on biology, but also on psychological, emotional and behavioral aspects. The key is to understand how our body and mind work in these moments , so that we can implement strategies to help us better control arousal and prolong pleasure for both you and your partner. And as an expert on the matter, I'm going to share with you below the clinically proven methods and strategies that can help you improve this aspect of your sex life.

Factors influencing duration in bed

1. Physical aspects: the link between the body and performance

As you can imagine, the fitter you are, the better you'll do in sex. But it turns out that it's not just a question of stamina: blood circulation, testosterone levels and the general wellbeing that comes from sport also influence our ability to maintain erections and prolong sexual intercourse. That is why we always recommend maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This means, including frequent exercise and a balanced diet. This way, you will not only improve your overall health, but you will also notice an increase in your sexual performance.

According to a study by Harvard University (2016), practicing physical exercise frequently not only helps maintain heart health, but also improves blood circulation, which in turn favors the firmness of erections and the duration of sexual encounters . In addition, practicing certain specific exercises, such as Kegels, strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, which can help prolong the time before ejaculation. However, because of the difficulty in mastering Kegels, they are not usually recommended to be done at home without supervision.

2. Mental and emotional health: What to do about anxiety and stress?

Another of the determining factors in the duration of sexual intercourse is mental and emotional health. For many men, the big enemies in bed are stress and anxiety, which affect sexual performance. Some men admit to feeling pressure to last longer, which generates a cycle of anxiety. Anxiety acts as a destabilizer that, ironically, often leads to shorter duration because it affects ejaculation control. In fact, this anxiety, known as sexual anxiety , is the precursor to many cases of premature ejaculation, which is associated with psychological factors such as stress or fear of performance.

A study conducted by the University of Barcelona (2019) showed that anxiety and constant worries about sex interfere with arousal control, which also affects duration. Therefore, one of the keys to improving control and learning to last longer involves managing these emotions . To do this, you can perform relaxation techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing, but we have specific techniques and strategies for you.

Strategies to last longer in bed

1. Control techniques during sex

There are several techniques that have proven effective in prolonging the duration of sexual intercourse. The “star-stop” technique is one of the best known and consists of stopping for a brief moment when you feel you are about to ejaculate. By pausing, arousal decreases so that the feeling of control is regained and, when the activity resumes, the man no longer feels that he is going to finish immediately. This method can be practiced both during sex and masturbation to learn to identify and control moments of high arousal.

Another strategy is the “squeezing” technique, which consists of lightly pressing the base of the penis with the fingers at the moment just before ejaculation, which helps delay climax by reducing the sensation of arousal . The problem with these two techniques is that they are not techniques that are proven to be definitive, but need to be performed every time you want to obtain the desired effect.

2. The role of communication with your partner

I know it is usually one of the pending tasks of many men, but I want you to engrave something in your mind: communication with your partner also influences you to last longer in bed . Yes, exactly what you read. Talking about your concerns and desires often helps to reduce pressure and foster an atmosphere of trust, where you feel more support and understanding. According to studies conducted at Yale University (2020), couples who communicate clearly and deeply about their sexual needs experience greater sexual satisfaction and less performance anxiety.

3. Professional therapies and methods

While many of the above strategies can be useful, not all men achieve the desired results they are looking for through these homemade methods. In these cases, you always have the option of clinically proven methods, such as the MYHIXEL Control climax control product. This is an ejaculatory control program that includes a training device. It is clinically proven that training in a realistic way provides better results, and for that reason you will be able to put it into practice and improve control during the act.

If you are already in treatment with a sex therapist or a psychologist, MYHIXEL devices are the ideal complementary tool to improve more quickly and effectively . MYHIXEL currently has two models designed to suit different needs:  MYHIXEL I  , the original version, and  MYHIXEL II  , an advanced model that incorporates technological improvements. They are the most realistic devices on the market, since their interior faithfully replicates the texture and sensation of a vagina, with a warming and vibration system included.

There are also the classic medical treatments, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) that are prescribed in cases of chronic premature ejaculation.

Benefits of learning to last longer in bed

1. Improve sexual satisfaction

It is clear that the goal of lasting longer in bed is not only to satisfy a personal desire, but also to improve the quality of the sexual experience for both partners. According to the International Society for Sexual Medicine (2018), couples who last longer in bed report greater satisfaction in the sexual relationship , as it allows more time to explore and enjoy shared intimacy.

2. Strengthen the couple's relationship

Like I said at the beginning, a healthy and satisfying sex life contributes to the overall well-being of the relationship. When both partners feel comfortable and happy in intimacy, the relationship tends to be stronger and more fulfilling. And lasting longer in bed is not only beneficial for you, but also for the connection you share with your partner.


In short, not only is it possible to learn how to last longer in bed, but science backs it up with various strategies that can help you improve your sexual performance. Gaining control over your ejaculation goes beyond the issue of timing. It also improves your quality and how you feel about your body and mind. Don't forget that while duration is important, the most essential thing is to enjoy the experience and feel satisfied with your sex life. Are you ready to enjoy yourself much more and learn to last as long as you really want to?


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Andrés Suro

Author: Andrés Suro  (Sexual Coach at MYHIXEL)

Psychologist specialized in the social area and expert in sexology applied to education.

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