Sex in numbers: key statistics on men's sex life

Sex in numbers: key statistics on men's sex life

Written by: Andrés Suro



Time to read 5 min

If we ask the question “Do you like having sex?” , many will answer yes. But male sex life is a topic that beyond generating curiosity, is also surrounded by myths and assumptions. At MYHIXEL, we consider it crucial that all the information we offer you is based on data and studies to better understand the reality from an objective point of view.

That is why we have set out to explore and ask such diverse questions about male intimacy , such as how much sexual activity men have, what are the main factors that influence their desire and satisfaction, and how and how much different sexual dysfunctions influence their well-being.

How much sex do men have? The true male sexual frequency

One of the data that most interest generates in the male population is the frequency with which men have sex. Although many may lie with their answers, there are studies that try to collect data that represent the average. Along these lines, according to a study from the University of Chicago (Laumann et al., 1994), sexual activity varies by age:

  • Young men between the ages of 18 and 29, go to bed a total of 112 times a year on average (approximately twice a week).

  • Men between 30 and 39 years of age go to bed 86 times a year .

  • Finally, men aged 40 to 49 years have an average of 63 per year .

There are no records for men over 50, but a decrease in sexual encounters can be observed as the years go by. This decline with age may be due to biological factors, such as libido, but also to changes in lifestyle, living together as a couple or stress. In fact, men who are married or in long-term relationships tend to have less sex than single men . However, the key is not only in the quantity, but also in the quality of sexual experiences.

Desire and satisfaction: are men happy with their sex lives?

As you may already know, male sexual desire is neither consistent nor fixed and is influenced by numerous factors, such as stress, physical and mental health, and the quality of the couple's relationship. According to the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior (Herbenick et al., 2010), 70-80% of men report being satisfied with their sex lives, although many would like to have more sex.

But what is the secret to having more fun in bed? One of the elements that most influences sexual satisfaction is communication within your partner. Men who feel secure and can express their desires and needs tend to enjoy sex more, while those who experience performance anxiety  or pressure about their performance confess to having less satisfying intimate experiences.

In this sense, another relevant aspect is the influence of pornography. Excessive consumption of pornography is one of the main reasons why men have unrealistic sexual expectations and, therefore, their satisfaction in real relationships is compromised.

Male sexual dysfunctions: how much do they impact the population?

Sexual dysfunctions are like that fly behind the ear. For many men, it is a more frequent concern than it seems. Among the most common dysfunctions are:

  •  Erectile dysfunction : affects approximately 40% of men by age 40 , according to the Massachusetts Male Aging Study (Feldman et al., 1994). The rate increases with age and is related to factors such as diabetes, smoking and stress. But erectile dysfunction of psychological origin  is increasingly common among young men.

  •  Premature ejaculation  : it is estimated that 30% of men experience it at some point in their lives (Rowland et al., 2007). This represents almost one third of the population.

  • Low libido : approximately 15-20% of men report experiencing a decrease in sexual desire, which may be linked to hormonal problems, depression or difficulties with their partner.

And what we have to emphasize about these dysfunctions is that they not only affect sexual pleasure, but also men's self-esteem and well-being . The good news is that there are effective treatments ranging from psychological therapy to innovative methodologies that address the different dysfunctions without having to rely on medication.

Couple sex: factors influencing male sexual activity

For many men, the biggest drawback to not meeting their sexual expectations is not having a steady partner . However, for those men who do, there are a number of factors that influence their satisfaction and the frequency with which they have intimate relations:

  • How long you've been together : Couples in the early stages of their relationship tend to have more sex compared to long-term couples. But more doesn’t always mean better. Many couples who feel deeply connected to their partner report having a more satisfying and fulfilling sex life.

  • Stress and mental load : High levels of work-related stress and common financial concerns negatively impact sexual desire (Bodenmann et al., 2007).

  • Communication : Men who openly talk about sex with their partner tend to experience greater satisfaction, both emotionally and physically.

Once again, it is confirmed that the most important factor for good sex in a relationship is complicity between partners . Additionally, emotional support and validation within the relationship have been shown to positively influence the frequency and quality of sexual encounters. So, the better your overall relationship, the better your sex life will be.

Current trends: Is men's sex life changing?

Believe it or not, recent studies show that young men today are having less sex than previous generations . In fact, the percentage of men under 30 who haven’t had sex in the past year has increased significantly.

But what’s behind this trend? Some key factors include:

  • Greater reliance on technology and social media for social interactions.

  • Higher levels of work and academic stress.

  • Shifting personal priorities and changing views on sex within relationships.

This shift raises an important discussion about the impact of technology and evolving relationship dynamics on men’s intimacy.

The takeaway

If there’s one thing we can learn from these statistics, it’s that there’s no universal “norm” when it comes to sex. Desire and sexual activity are influenced by many different factors. While frequency may decline with age, satisfaction is more closely tied to the quality of experiences and communication with a partner.

That’s why it’s essential to break down myths and adopt a more realistic view of male sexuality . In the end, understanding these trends can help us improve both our sex lives and overall well-being. What do you think? Does this resonate with you?


  • Bodenmann, G., Ledermann, T., & Bradbury, T. N. (2007). Stress, sex, and satisfaction in marriage. Personal Relationships, 14(4), 551–569.

  • Feldman, H. A., Goldstein, I., Hatzichristou, D. G., Krane, R. J., & McKinlay, J. B. (1994). Impotence and its medical and psychosocial correlates: results of the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. The Journal of urology151(1), 54–61.  

  • Herbenick, D., Reece, M., Schick, V., Sanders, S. A., Dodge, B., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2010). Sexual behavior in the United States: results from a national probability sample of men and women ages 14-94. The journal of sexual medicine7 Suppl 5, 255–265.  

  • Laumann, E. O., Gagnon, J. H., Michael, R. T., & Michaels, S. (1994). The social organization of sexuality: Sexual practices in the United States. University of Chicago Press.

  • Rowland, D. L., Patrick, D. L., Rothman, M., & Gagnon, D. D. (2007). The psychological burden of premature ejaculation. The Journal of urology177(3), 1065–1070.

Andrés Suro

Author: Andrés Suro  (Sexual Coach at MYHIXEL)

Psychologist specialized in the social area and expert in sexology applied to education.

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