Couple in a romantic date having dinner and wine

An affordable and unique Valentine’s Day

Written by: Anel Martínez



Time to read 4 min

Oh, la, la! San Valentine’s Day, also known as the day of love, a day to express our affections for those dear to us. 24 hours of celebrating our feelings for others. But do we western society celebrate this day? Where does it come from? 

History of Valentine's Day

There are several stories about the origins of Valentine’s Day, but the most popular one is the story of Saint Valentine of Rome. According to legend, Saint Valentine was a Christian priest who lived in the 3rd century. He was imprisoned for secretly marrying couples, who were not allowed to marry because the Roman Emperor had banned marriage. While he was in prison, it is said that Saint Valentine healed the jailer’s daughter, who was blind. Before he was executed, he is said to have written a letter to the jailer’s daughter and signed it “Your Valentine,” a phrase that is still used today.

After his death, Saint Valentine was declared a saint, and February 14 was designated as Saint Valentine’s Day. The day became associated with love and romance in the 14th and 15th centuries, when the tradition of courtly love flourished in Europe. In the United States, the holiday became more commercialized in the 20th century, with the exchange of cards, flowers, and gifts becoming popular.

Why do people still celebrate Valentine’s Day?

There are a variety of reasons why people enjoy celebrating Valentine’s Day. For many people, it is a day to express their love and affection for their romantic partner. It can be a way to show appreciation and make the person feel special.

Valentine’s Day can also be a time for couples to spend quality time together and do activities that they enjoy. Some people also like the idea of having a designated day to celebrate love, and the traditions associated with the holiday, such as exchanging cards and gifts. 

Ultimately, the reason why people like Valentine’s Day varies from person to person.

Couple holding hands in a romantic walk

Is Valentine’s Day a trend?

One downside of Valentine’s Day and consumerism is that it can create pressure on people to spend a lot of money on gifts and experiences in order to show their love and affection. This can be especially challenging for people who are on a tight budget or who may not be able to afford to buy expensive gifts. Additionally, the focus on material possessions and spending money can take away from the meaning of the holiday, which is to celebrate and appreciate the people we love.

Another downside of Valentine’s Day and consumerism is that it can perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes. For example, the holiday is often portrayed as a time when men are expected to buy gifts for women, which can reinforce traditional gender roles and expectations.

Finally, the emphasis on consumerism can contribute to the commercialization of the holiday, as companies and businesses may try to profit from people’s desire to celebrate and show their love. This can result in a lack of authenticity and genuine connection in the celebration of the holiday.

Ideas for a simple but intimate way to celebrate Valentine's Day:

If you don’t want to perpetuate this idea that our love is measured by the price tag, here are a few ideas for Valentine’s Day activities that you can do with your partner without spending any money: 

  • Plan a romantic picnic in a local park. Bring a blanket and some of your partner’s favorite foods.

  • Go for a hike or a walk in a beautiful natural setting.

  • Cook a special meal together at home. You can use ingredients that you already have on hand or pick up a few items at the grocery store.

  • Have a movie marathon with your partner’s favorite films or TV shows.

  • Write love letters or poems to each other.

  • Play board games or card games together.

  • Go stargazing in a quiet, dark location.

  • Have a dance party in your living room.

  • Do a wine or beer tasting with beverages that you already have at home.

  • Create a DIY spa day at home with homemade face masks and massages.

Man in love gifts girlfriend in valentines day

Why is celebrating Valentine's Day a good idea?

We know that celebrating Valentine’s Day could be a little cliché, and it has been known as a day of consumerism of which the big companies take advantage to sell products that are not of basic necessity in order to show our love measured by the size of the diamond or the gift. But if we take advantage of this and flip the tortilla on the other side, we could consider that taking a special day to take time and spend quality time together it’s not such a bad idea after all. 


Creating memories together as a couple can be beneficial for a number of reasons. First, it helps to strengthen the bond between the two people.  When you have shared experiences and memories, it can create a sense of connection and deepen your relationship.

Second, creating memories together can provide a sense of purpose and meaning in your relationship. It can give you something to look back on and reminisce about, and can help to create a sense of history and shared identity as a couple. Third, creating memories together can be a way to have fun and enjoy each other’s company. It can provide an opportunity to try new things and step out of your comfort zone, which can be a positive and exciting experience for both people. Finally, creating memories together can be a way to combat boredom and monotony in a relationship. It can help to keep things fresh and exciting, and can provide a source of joy and happiness for both people.

Valentine’s Day came here to stay!

Whether you choose to express your love through grand gestures or simple acts of kindness, Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to let those close to you know just how much they mean to you. So go ahead and spoil your loved ones with chocolates, flowers, or a heartfelt note, after all, it is the season of love! 

Anel Martínez

Author: Anel Martínez  (Sexual Coach at MYHIXEL)

Sexologist specializing in sex therapy and sex education, mental health and human behavior.